K K Saman Kumara, ‘Sarpaya’ – Genre defining magical impressionist Sri Lankan Novelist, Short Story Writer, Poet & Literary Critic, sitting at his writing table - Padukka Sri Lanka
The commencement of the project, The History Healing and Medicine in Sri Lanka - A Narrative and a Review was in 2019 as the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Colombo was getting ready to celebrate its 150th anniversary.
The collective consciousness of Sri Lanka, perhaps due to a multitude of reasons, made the entire nation rise!
However, can the political leadership of Sri Lanka comprehend and 'read' the ongoing #OccupyGalleFace protest?
Do they understand the context of this resistance?
In photography, Light and Lighting mean two interrelated, yet vastly different concepts. So what is the difference between light and lighting?
And why should all photographers learn the basic concepts behind photographic lighting?
Food photography is a speciality and multidisciplinary craft; and shooting fresh food in busy food industry settings takes the level of difficulty to another level..
Whale watching cruise operators in the southern Sri Lankan village of Mirissa do not mentions Dolphins. Yet, at times, or perhaps all the time, these frisky creatures leave stronger impressions than the submerged giants!